Wednesday, August 29, 2007


what i hate about life is that no matter how much you hold onto a certain world, it will inevitably shift due to some thing and thereafter take on different shades of meaning and feeling. maybe that's supposed to render us more resourceful, strong beings. events are viewed through their effects..the lessons and realisations. but all this only comes after slugging your way through that in between period when what was before and what is now is so different - and i still don't know what i really think. nor does anyone it seems. it's just a whole bunch of awful silence and attempts to string together thoughts that are only half forming.


Anonymous said...

What sort of world do you hold onto?

-Your friend

Anonymous said...

i guess one where i can whole-heartedly call home. if only my family and friends and classmates and physical/emotional ties were in the same place.

Anonymous said...

I believe that you should not hold onto such a world. It will make you tired of life. Whatever happens, there is a limit to how strong humans can be physically and emotionally. The world can change as much as they want but we can never go against every single change.
Holding onto that kind of world will inevitably destroy you one day. It's ok to believe in such a world but to hold onto it to such an extent that you hate life (obviously temporary, or at least I hope) whenever there is a shift, isn't what you should do.
The world doesn't change to make people strong. We have to change accordingly.
Hey, I just thought about something interesting. Some people look older even when they are in their late twenties and early thirties and some still look young when they are in their fifties. So what's the difference? One reason may be of biological reason (which I cannot expplain). The other reason may actually be because every single time we go through something (e.g. your boyfriend cheated on you), we go so mad and make lots of facial expressions which then makes veins and arteries (whatever the names are) to expand. Doing this over time will create the worn out face which we recognise in many old people.
This could be one reason why girls tend to grow/look older. They go through a lot of things especially there's always at least one thing they have to go through every month and are very emotional.

What I am suggesting is that no matter what happens, however extreme it may be, do not hate life. Life is wonderful and can only be lived once, so make it the best. :)

please excuse me for my long and boring comment. and also excuse me of my poor usage of vocabulary. communication is not my best skill. I hope that i have expressed my thoughts and feelings well enough.

I am actually hoping to read more of your blog so i can comment on it. only if you dont mind that is. of course i will do my very best to not offend you unless it is of necessity. I am trying to improve my communication skills and you can see that I am not very concise. And I believe that I have gone off topic and not really commented accordingly to your comment.

Thank you very much,

A.C.D. S.H.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comments; i appreciate the thoughts. though when reading them i confess to feeling that you are addressing me as if i'm depressed!

it seems a little ridiculous to convince a stranger that i am actually a very happy and optimistic person but yeah...that's all quite true so no worries. i'm surprised that my one-off post could have garnered such a concerned response, but thanks, and no wories about me hahahaha.