Wednesday, May 27, 2009

oh no! but oh well

i completely misread the Tennyson poem for yesterday's paper. i totally made up some Christian allusion which isn't actually used! Pilate, not Pilot! yikes. so i wrote stuff on resurrection which i don't think Tennyson was even thinking of! sigh i hope they award marks for creativity...


Wei Shen said...

You will be fine :)

laurane said...

i think i did that for one of my GCSE English papers... completely misunderstood the whole thing cuz i didnt understand one important word :S
but i dont think i failed that one... heheh.

laurane said...

i think i did that for one of my GCSE English papers... completely misunderstood the whole thing cuz i didnt understand one important word :S
but i dont think i failed that one... heheh.

laurane said...

aiyak. now i seem so 'chiong hei'... sent two of the same msg again. ><

sheila said...

lol...well for this, i read too much into it...sigh, they were just talking about ordinary pilots, not pontius pilate, the guy at Jesus's crucification. sigh.