Sunday, May 2, 2010

sunday culinary fun

i was determined as heck to get linguine carbonara right, and finally, today, i think i got it right! the key i realize is a) BUTTER and GARLIC which minimalist recipes leave out, b) making sure the raw egg, heavy cream and cheese is warmed well in the pot and c) cheese i like instead of just following some recipe's instructions, so pre-grated parmesan worked out fine. i added green peas into the pasta; it made for a colourful, pretty dish and the green looked so nice next to the pink of the bacon :D.

i also made a cold wakame and cucumber salad, and a japanese potato salad. the wakame and cucumber salad was very cooling and pleasant to eat alongside the carbonara, but the rice vinegar was slightly overpowering. nonetheless, i really like both these salads... one light and the other substantial - but both easy to make!

(clearly going through a better appetite phase. would you believe me if i told you that the chubbiness of my face varies week to week?)

i am never productive on weekends...


Wei Shen said...

Wa.... I am drooling... You are so sai lei.

Anonymous said...

not sai lei gor nei :P.

Anonymous said...

ok i have no idea what sai lei means but you've made kick ass carbonara before!