Wednesday, March 26, 2008

back! after a massive account retrieval session

it took awhile for me to figure out which account i had used, and now i'm back because the daisy layout is too pretty to just leave behind. plus it heralds spring!

staying for spring break actually hasn't been lonely at all. as mom said, if you know that this isn't a permanent situation, you appreciate the peace and joys of living alone. providence has been nice - sunny everyday so far!

and now for a little recap on what i've been up to...
- ketchup reading: Morisson's Beloved and Conrad's Lord Jim
- cooking dinners
- spending nearly $180 on clothes (many many things since everything is on sale now), which i'm surprisingly very happy about. usually i end up feeling guilty and low after buying lots of stuff cuz it's kind of like a degradation in moral capital for me. hmmm i always buy my clothes in bundles - half my autumn/winter stuff was bought freshman year thanksgiving with kd. good times! and now all my spring/summer shall date from this little spree with st. also good times!
- homework and transcription work
- chatting to my brother and mom every 12 hours muahaha

such are the joys of holidays!! 好幸福。

trying my best to take this all in slowly and make everyday count...

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